Analytical formulation (sbcana.F90 module)

&namsbc_ana    !   analytical surface boundary condition
   nn_tau000   =   0       !  gently increase the stress over the first ntau_rst time-steps
   rn_utau0    =   0.5     !  uniform value for the i-stress
   rn_vtau0    =   0.e0    !  uniform value for the j-stress
   rn_qns0     =   0.e0    !  uniform value for the total heat flux
   rn_qsr0     =   0.e0    !  uniform value for the solar radiation
   rn_emp0     =   0.e0    !  uniform value for the freswater budget (E-P)

The analytical formulation of the surface boundary condition is the default scheme. In this case, all the six fluxes needed by the ocean are assumed to be uniform in space. They take constant values given in the namelist namsbc_ana by the variables rn_utau0, rn_vtau0, rn_qns0, rn_qsr0, and rn_emp0 ( $ \textit{emp}=\textit{emp}_S$). The runoff is set to zero. In addition, the wind is allowed to reach its nominal value within a given number of time steps (nn_tau000).

If a user wants to apply a different analytical forcing, the sbcana.F90 module can be modified to use another scheme. As an example, the sbc_ana_gyre.F90 routine provides the analytical forcing for the GYRE configuration (see GYRE configuration manual, in preparation).

Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17