Seasonal and interannual ENSO variability in a hybrid coupled model of the tropical Pacific (bibtex)
by Macias, J. and Stephenson, D. B.
Seasonal and interannual ENSO variability in a hybrid coupled model of the tropical Pacific (Macias, J. and Stephenson, D. B.), In C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1997.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  macias.ea_1997,
  author	= {Macias, J. and Stephenson, D. B.},
  title		= {Seasonal and interannual ENSO variability in a hybrid
		  coupled model of the tropical Pacific},
  journal	= {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris},
  year		= {1997},
  notes		= {Earth and Planetary Sciences, série IIa, 324, 269-276}
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